Does a Scalp Massage Really Promote Hair Growth

Does a Scalp Massage Really Promote Hair Growth

Does a Scalp Massage Really Promote Hair Growth?

When signs of hair loss become apparent, we often look for every way possible to either rectify the loss as quickly as we can or seek a way to slow it down. For some, medication may be a route to take. For others, investigating the potential for hairline restoration becomes an avenue to go down and, for a few, scalp massage seems a viable option. You perhaps read that last option with a degree of confusion or scoffed at it as being a realistic choice. That would be understandable, however, there have been a few studies into scalp massage and whether this practice can help promote hair growth. Fact-based research is somewhat limited, so we must state that evidence of scalp massages helping hair growth is not 100% accurate, although there are some signs it may help.

In this edition of our blog, we look at scalp massages and whether they can make a difference to your hair growth.

What is a scalp massage?

A scalp massage is a form of head massage that can help with relaxation, relieve stress and improve well-being. In addition, its gentle pressure has been known to help with headaches and stimulate both blood flow and nerve endings. With the fingertips gently massaging the head in a circular motion, the person receiving the massage can feel relaxed and sense the stress being alleviated. And it is perhaps partially this, that leads many people to investigate whether scalp massages can help hair growth.

We all know that stress can cause hair loss, so if the stress is being removed, the hair stops being lost right? Let’s dive a little deeper.

Will a scalp massage promote hair growth?

A few studies have been conducted where those with male pattern baldness received regular scalp massages in order to combat hair loss. In one, over a period of 24 weeks, each man taking part received a scalp massage that lasted four minutes and took place daily. It was found at the end of the study that each man now had thicker hair than when they had started.

Some additional research in 2019 also backed up these results when 69% of the individuals who had been conducting twice-daily scalp massages also reported improvements or stabilization in hair loss. As you can see from these results alone, it’s not a quick fix but it may work.

How it works is due to the massage stimulating blood flow to follicles and how it may stretch the cells of the follicles. These two factors could then result in the production of thicker, stronger hair. We say could, as this data is from a small pool of people and the report from the 2019 study focused on those with Androgenic alopecia only and was also self-reported, potentially leading to some inaccurate results. It also stated that a minimum of 50 hours of scalp massage is likely needed to gauge whether there has been any benefit, and that the hair growth is largely self-perceived. It was also noted that those with diffuse versus frontal/temporal or vertex thinning reported lower levels of perceived improvements.

For additional insight, you can view the full report here.

Is a scalp massage effective for hair growth?

As we mentioned earlier, it has not been 100% proven, although some studies have shown people to demonstrate signs of hair growth improvement. As we mentioned above, 50 hours may be needed to show signs of hair growth via scalp massage and even then, depending on what area is affected by hair loss, it may make no significant change, if any at all.

That being said, signs in some studies are positive and only four minutes of scalp massage daily for a few weeks can in fact see increases in the development rate of the hair cycle.

What are the benefits of a scalp massage?

Whilst the goal may be to reinvigorate hair growth, a scalp massage may also lead to benefits other than just hair related. You could see:

  • Prevention of a dry scalp
  • Enhanced blood circulation around the neck and head
  • Softer and more conditioned hair
  • A more even distribution of your hair's natural oils
  • Nourishment of hair shafts and strengthened roots
  • Released tension
  • Stress relief

How quickly can hair loss be stopped with a scalp massage?

This will vary from person to person, and as indicated earlier, results in one of the larger studies were, for the most part, self-perceived, this does make an accurate judgement a little harder to come by. However, based on the findings of the initial study we referred to; you may be able to see improvements after around 5-6 months of repeated scalp massage where 10-20 mins per day are set aside for it.

How should you massage your scalp to encourage hair growth?

If you are willing to put in the months of work to try and restore your hair, you can try twice daily scalp massages for twenty minutes at a time. To do this:

  • Using your fingertips, apply light pressure to the scalp, moving them in small circular motions.
  • Gradually work across the entire scalp so you can cover all areas.
  • Use your fingertips to firmly but gently stretch the scalp skin. Holding it for a few seconds before releasing it.

Do scalp massages cure hair loss?

The simple answer to this is no but they may promote hair growth which is no bad thing. It is worth noting though that research is still limited, and results are not cast in stone.

If you are noticing significant hair loss and are showing signs of an early receding hairline, a hair transplant by a specialist such as Dr Mark Tam may be the solution. With guaranteed results, Dr Tam is able to find the ideal solution for your hair loss and ensure you can regain not just your hairline but your confidence too. Complete an assessment today to give Dr Mark Tam the chance to carefully assess the condition of your hair and see whether you can benefit from his years of expertise. Contact us today.

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