The Motivation

Matt started to notice his hair loss as a teenager; heading off to university it was on his mind constantly. Naturally, he felt he was too young to be worrying about a lack of hair at 18 or 19 years old, let alone scrutinising his early receding hairline in the mirror every morning.

When Matt first met Dr Mark Tam, he was 23 and by then a software engineer, but still troubled by his hair loss. The progression had been stabilised with anti hair loss medications over the preceding three years or more, Matt sought help to restore as much of his hairline as possible, emphasising to Dr Tam that he wanted his hair to look ‘natural'.

Image of Matt Image of Matt

The Process

To achieve a natural-looking transplanted hairline, one of the techniques Dr Tam employs is the use of singular hair follicles.

Hair transplant surgeons often discover that there is a limited availability of singular hair follicles and must rely on transplanting multiple hair follicles, yet these can look pluggy and fake. But this is where the magic happens, thanks to Dr Tam's extensive Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) experience and the use of small, precise instrumentation to extract, dissect and transplant hair follicles. Multiple hair follicles can be dissected into singular units, or individually separated hair follicles, under a microscope. By making more recipient sites, with increased follicle placing at a higher density, we can create a natural result. We believe this extra attention to detail and precision is worth it and is what you can expect in Dr Tam's hands, a true craftsman.

Like artists, Dr Tam and his team can produce long-lasting, aesthetically pleasing results, which not only achieve a natural look to the hair line, but also maintain, rather than compromise, the donor area, leading to a result that is practically indistinguishable from the non-transplanted hair.

The treatment area mapping and measurements in Matt's case covered an initial transplanted area of 36cm² with 50+ grafts/cm², (followed by a second, smaller area of 20cm2 behind the original transplanted area, revealed after Matt shaved his head during the COVID-19 lockdown period). The donor areas instruments used were 0.75mm and 0.85mm in size. In total, Matt received over 3,100 grafts, comprising almost 5,500 hairs across the two areas.

The Result

Matt achieved good visual improvement in the treated area, no longer appearing receded, leaving him with natural, Instagram-ready hair.

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Before & After

Image of Matt Image of Matt Image of Matt Image of Matt Image of Matt Image of Matt Image of Matt Image of Matt Image of Matt Image of Matt Image of Matt Image of Matt Image of Matt
Image of Matt Image of Matt Image of Matt Image of Matt Image of Matt
Image of Matt Image of Matt Image of Matt
Image of Matt Image of Matt Image of Matt Image of Matt Image of Matt
Image of Matt Image of Matt Image of Matt Image of Matt Image of Matt Image of Matt Image of Matt Image of Matt
Image of Matt
Image of Matt
Image of Matt
Image of Matt
Image of Matt
Image of Matt
Image of Matt
Image of Matt
Image of Matt
Image of Matt
Image of Matt
Image of Matt
Image of Matt
Image of Matt
Image of Matt
Image of Matt
Image of Matt
Image of Matt
Image of Matt
Image of Matt
Image of Matt
Image of Matt
Image of Matt
Image of Matt
Image of Matt
Image of Matt
Image of Matt
Image of Matt
Image of Matt
Image of Matt
Image of Matt
Image of Matt
Image of Matt
Image of Matt

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Benefits of an Assessment

Dr Mark Tam explains the benefits of an assessment.

Image of Matt and Dr Tam after the treatment play button

Start Your Assessment Today

In order to save patients time and unnecessary costs, Dr Tam requires a pre-consultation screening to assess your suitability for surgery based on supplied photographs.

This form of assessment will only serve to give you an idea of whether you are likely to be suitable for a Hair Transplant, as well as providing you with a rough price estimate for the area you wish to have treated.

This assessment is complimentary but does not replace the need for a full consultation.

Once you have submitted your details along with the 3 required photos Dr Mark Tam will assess your suitability and you will receive a full report via email.

Recommended image types for uploading include JPG/JPEG and PNG.
Please do not press the back button or refresh the page after pressing the submit button.

* - Required field

Your Details

Are you currently taking, or have you previously tried anti-hair loss medication? *

Would you describe your natural hair as curly? *



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